Are intentions or outcomes more important when judging whether actions are moral?

Morality has to do with intentions; legality has to do with outcomes.

Stoic Teacher
3 min readMar 1, 2022
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Photo by Saffu on Unsplash
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* Morality has to do with intentions; legality has to do with outcomes.

* …I’d say that good ententions with wrong outcome are useless and often good intentions are being used as the excuse to justify a disastrous outcome…episodes in history where millianistic movements and religions led to catastrophy while unwilling to acknowledge it, are a good example!

* Intentions, when they are moral without false conceptions, so are your actions and they are defined by them. Outcomes can’t been controlled, because been product of future,so people and circumstances are always going to obstruct them somehow. Intentions create the…

